Tuesday, August 19, 2008

if Elvis could sing it now

Henry Wyatt Schober: Mommy, that big boy wants to know the name of our neighborhood.
Mommy: Tell him the GHE-tto.
HWS: My mommy says "the ghetto."

Not really and really. It's fun to see the hoards of Europeans staying at the old Starlite Motel walk up the center of our street because a) we don't have sidewalk all the way b) it feels safer.

If I was a tourist, I'd walk up the center of my street. But, I live here, and it's pretty damned safe.


BookyG said...

I don't know, I have a hard time grasping the concept of ghetto in Bishop. Also, you have the largest house in town, I have a hard time thinking of ghettos as places with big houses. I like your ghetto!

Tomatohead said...

Ah cheers. I wish whichever neighbor who is leaving his/her trash to fester in the 100 degree heat would love it as much, too.