The Sierra Phantom is my homey. He lives a block away from here, and he always has a smile for me when we pass each other on our bikes. Thankfully, he is a tough man and will be okay. Thanks for the coverage, Tom.
Hit and Run Accident Sends the "Phantom" to Hospital
Written by Tom Woods
Monday, 20 October 2008
The well known Bishop fishing guide and glitter fly manufacturer known as “the Sierra Phantom,” was hit by car while riding his bicycle near Pleasant Valley reservoir on Friday night.
Highway Patrol Officers report that a vehicle sideswiped the Phantom, also known as J.P. Glover, causing the bicyclist to lose control. The driver left the scene, and despite a “extensive search,” officers were unable to find the suspect vehicle.
When we called Glover, he said that after he was sideswiped he went over the handle bars. He says he was on the side of the road for about a half an hour before a “couple of guys,” found him and called the ambulance.
Phantom had injuries to his ribs and lungs, a dislocated shoulder, the skin taken off his nose and knees. He was in pain when we spoke with him Monday, but his spirits were high. He says that his friends are looking out for him.
This was the third time he has been hit by a car in three years. The first time he was hit while riding a bike was in front of Giggle Springs. With little room for people on bicycles on Main Street and people not paying attention to bicycles, he says one person killed or hurt is too many.
Despite the injuries, Glover was confident of a fast recovery. He says that after a very long and serious series of cancer operations, the doctors told him that he wouldn’t be able to do anything for four months. A week later, he says that he walked from Bishop to South Lake and back to go fishing. With luck, the Phantom will soon be back out at one of his usual Main Street haunts, or on the river with his line in water.
He didn't mention it in his article, but the Phantom said that after getting hit by a car for the third time he was "really starting to get ticked off."
I chatted with the Phantom the other day. He was just cycling back from Denny's, which is giving him free food for his troubles. He said that folks have been really kind and helpful. Gosh, I do love this town - even if it feels sometimes like we're in a conservative hellhole.
I hope Karma finds the driver who hit you....I think it just might have already found her.
Can you please call me? My name is Tim Romano. I'm the photo editor for a new magazine called TheFlyfishjournal and we're running a story on The Phantom and I'm desperately in need of some photos.
Many thanks.
I am very sorry to hear you were hurt. I hope justice is served and the person who hit you is punished to the full extent of the law. Speedy recovery Phantom.
I knew JP really well. I spent months hiking around with him each summer four years in a row, and still came up to visit now and again when I could.
I have some pictures of us during those times and I know every cotton picking story inside and out that he ever told.
Sorry to hear of his passing las January. He'll be sorely missed.
If anyone needs to reach me my email is digitalcleaner@gmail.com
GL and god bless.
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