Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's bliss.

What is wrong with me when I find 2 hours in the MRI tube a mini vacation? I didn't even get to bring  music! I turned all the clunking and thunking into some Germantechno lullaby and fell asleep.

Turns out, my angry lady bits are getting the better of me this year. I now have license to act like a crazy middle aged woman because all the bits are going haywire. (There is a reason they named the hysterectomy the hysterectomy. Turns out, I don't need one - yet). There's a good, very methodical new doctor in town and we are slowly, slowly figuring it all out.

With all the change happening in folks' lives (change without trauma like last year - mind, when it felt like all the relationships we knew - ours included-  imploded, exploded, and everything in-between), I am grateful that I still like this life, have insurance, have goals. Most importantly, the other day, I was able to tell Matt that if I dropped dead tomorrow, the ONLY thing I would regret would be not seeing Babbo grow up. Otherwise, I could die a happy (mostly) and content person.

In a related note re: change - wishing the Gaggias well in their new careers and lives in Ventura. It's rare that folks make the foray back into the "big city" - but being realistic - it's hard to make a living here in Bishop.

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