Tuesday, February 09, 2010

There is a god and it is a vengeful god

I don't know how, but I seem to have picked up another virus. Except for maybe three or four days, I have been with lurgy since December 17th! Luckily, this one seems to be of the 24 hour variety. This is good, too, because we're supposed to go to Disneyland this Friday.


Melanie Harris said...

Get better soon for Mickey's sake! Maybe some good old-fashioned immune boosting vitamins may help. I take garlic pills, Vit C 1000mg a day and spirulina (more for nervous system). Take care!

Tomatohead said...

Thanks, Doc! Mickey and company were smiling, it was sunny, and we rallied in the end. I will keep up on the garlic and Vit C, though. xx.