Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hips Schmips

I'm over the trepidation now.
Whatever will be will be.
The MRI was cool and freaky. I managed not to lose it in the tube (after a few minutes of very deep breathing and trying not to look at the confinement) and not to show my surprise when I saw the spinal needle (read: very very LARGE. very very long) stuck in my groin. The bad dye they inject into you was cause for me to try to wean the boy once and for all this morning. A McDonald's (yes, yes, evil empire) hash brown seem to take his mind off "nursies" completely.

The Flaming Lips and Cat Power on New Year's Eve were gorgeous, touching. Gnarls Barkley made me want to have a poo (blame the bad sound at the USC Galen Center - a basketball arena normally).

I am working on finding local venues/gigs for The Phoenix Foundation to play on their way from LA to SF. Going to put a wee bit of our home equity line of credit where my mouth is. Scary, exhilarating.

Rodney, my best friend from uni, and Carla, his firey Mexican dentist wife, are emigrating to Wellington this weekend. Whoa. They'll be hand delivering a large bottle of Rogue Brutal Bitter to Fraser, our favorite kindred spirit ale head, for me.

Found lovely renters for Matt's Mom's house. The proletariat joins the darkside. At least we aren't slumlords.

My husband Matty is a Goddess and I mean that in the most admiring way.

Ok, time for Wyatt to go bother all the girls at gymnastics. The hugging bandit will strike again.

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